We know that most dental problems can be prevented.
Our Prevention team of dental hygienists and oral health coaches are here to help you achieve and maintain the very best dental health you can.
Our oral health coach also regularly visits local schools to promote Dental Health on our behalf.
You can book a one-to-one session with the oral health coach. Sometimes people are understandably a little sceptical that their home-care can be improved, but think of it as coaching to get the best out of what you are doing. Olympic athletes know how to run but they still have coaches!
Ring or contact us now to arrange an appointment. You won’t be disappointed
For Perfect gums we recommend:
First clean between your teeth using either floss or interdental brushes such as Tepe’s, as recommended by your dentist. We recommend you do this at least once daily.
Brush your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and a good quality rechargeable electric toothbrush such as the Oral B Triumph 5000.
Change the brush head regularly – about every 3to 4 months, sooner if it starts to look frayed. (This could mean you are pressing too hard)
Be methodical – one of the biggest problems most people have is that they miss some parts of their mouth when brushing. Always start at the same spot on the back teeth. First clean the all the outside surfaces,until you get to the other side and then do the inside. Finally finish off by cleaning the biting surfaces.
Clean at the gum line and angle your toothbrush at 45 degrees towards the gum. Use gentle circular movements if using a manual toothbrush. With electric toothbrushes just hold the brush head against the tooth, again at 45 degrees and gently follow the curve of the gum. Let the brush do the work, just hold it against the each tooth for a few seconds, moving the brush tip from the gum to the tip of the tooth.
Once you have finished, spit out the excess toothpaste and leave the rest on your teeth. This will help reduce sensitivity and the risk of decay.
For Perfect Teeth we recommend:
Avoid any sugary snacks or drinks between meals, especially just before bed time
Keep highly acidic food and drinks such as fruit juices and fizzy drinks to a minimum
Use sugar free gum after anything sweet to neutralise harmful acids
Use a fluoride tooth paste and spit but don’t rinse after use