In the media frenzy of today we are surrounded by images of almost impossibly fit and healthy individuals who smile, (a little smugly), from magazines and screens. They present an “Ideal” that we all feel we should be aspiring to, if only we had the time!
It is important to have goals and aspirations, but also to celebrate the differences between ourselves and others – one size certainly does not fit all and so we should not feel bad if the gym is not our second home and if we do eat the occasional treat it is ok.
This is not an excuse to be lazy or unhealthy however, just an observation that there are many ways of improving the way we look after ourselves. Perhaps surprisingly, one of the simplest approaches to being healthier and reducing the risk of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, low birth weight in babies and several forms of cancer, is to have a healthy mouth.
Many studies now link accumulation of bacteria found in the mouth with many several medical issues, not to mention bad breath and low self esteem in those who have unhealthy mouths.
So why not do something that makes a difference and costs very little in terms of time and money? Spend two minutes twice a day on excellent oral hygiene and start 2014 with a healthy smile!