MI stands for Minimally Invasive which in plain English means stopping problems with your teeth before they start. Clover House have teamed up with Denplan in a National awareness campaign to promote the prevention of dental problems such as decay and gum disease.
We have always stressed the benefits of preventive care and our regular clients will be very familiar with visits to the hygiene team of Hazel, Kate, Alison, Fran and Rachael which are such a crucial part of maintaining a healthy mouth.
We are now also running “Hygiene Plus” clinics with another of our hygiene team, Esther, who is brilliant at helping you to get the best out of your home-care routine. Everyone who sees her comes away with a new insight into how they can boost the health of their mouth, even if they are already a good brusher.
Visits to Esther are currently our offer of the month and are great for adults and children alike. Everyone can benefit from a visit – our Dentists also see Esther and all find it really useful!
Ring to arrange a visit with Esther today and take advantage of this month’s special offer!